Emergency Local Lock & Key Service in Northwest , OR - Northwest OR Locksmith Store


Businesses can suffer when standard locks become damaged through vandalism or wear, so one of Northwest OR Locksmith Store 's specialties is emergency lock repair. Our expert technicians are ever-ready to assist our commercial clients in restoring customer access to facilities or employee access to equipment and supplies.

Realizing that often locks break and keys are lost at the most inopportune moments, Northwest OR Locksmith Store is always ready with its onsite lock repair services, every hour of the day and every day of the year. Our locksmith specialists arrive promptly in mobile service vans stocked with all the equipment and tools necessary to handle access-related emergencies and are able to quickly replace lost keys, repair broken locks or solve any other access problems at your place of business.


Northwest OR Locksmith Store, Northwest , OR 503-606-6546

Businesses cannot ignore the necessity of steady and uninterrupted access to key facilities and equipment, so our trained specialists are always on call and resolved to solve your access problems quickly and permanently. Commercial clients realize the need for our emergency lock repair services as soon as access issues arise. Call Northwest OR Locksmith Store right away to discuss your commercial access issues with our expert professionals.